Thursday 11 February 2016

Authenticate with oAuth2 and call API using Fiddler

I have a C# MVC web application that uses the OWIN ASP.Net Identity framework in which I've implemented an OAuth 2.0 server.  I'm working on a short proof of concept mobile application where I'd like to authenticate against my web application and call some API's.   I want to keep this as quick and simple as possible for now and manually make the http requests to authenticate and call an API using an access token.

The first step is to make a http request to get back an access token:
User-Agent: Fiddler
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 107

client_id=<client id>&client_secret=<client secret>&grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>
The response from that request, if successful, will contain amongst other things and access_token:
   ".issued":"Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:07:03 GMT",
   ".expires":"Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:27:03 GMT",
Now we have authenticated we can use the access token to make a http request to an API endpoint:
User-Agent: Fiddler
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: Bearer sSijb61BQZMXLNelOUpf-vpBcP49kXarZ2HeA_zTrkiJ_ouGxypzlYjsnL6rA5Igs-WlHblc6L5Czylgo-_UYfkm0kYxqQKKY0O--HQew8QpskaJrvhzvsN56UHDQ25R2Q0Aorn08ae80nq1Hvrrah7JG1xpq4knUYGime_VXp6K4kqCWiI3qjcAD-ONaFlZPKa3l_qpFVgd2alv-0R9MZ4kJ3UIy3jRYpPaUSfkVkEhRMUtIQQNup7XctYNwavlLBAWEQnd2NK8OTaHkf4FBANPOiJlwc2r8rYTOpBPptlLdPLecwTP50Ll49xwoHbfSyBgJ3UnQMxAiejpTzpIP63CGuon0t75ZhVlf2665n892NXQqaplNQ2TrfNbHOM7gI2-qx7kd2DNUYXBXIQWrOW5NX8-nGuhH9YVqawdL_yEeZ9WbDEgAqED7c4BBvmMitcI4LgCLyaISvJ6D4O1Zxr5rTPAXGXsYbdZZdcFguAmvc7m
In the GET request we need to add an Authorization header with a value of "Bearer " plus the access token. I've written this post as a reminder to myself on how to follow the oAuth flow using Fiddler, there are lots of examples out there on S*#toverflow most of which are rubbish.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are right stackoverflow answers are rubbish. This is what I needed to see. But you could post this on stackoverflow and it wouldn't be rubbish anymore :) I'm just glad you published this at all though. Thanks!!
